What’s Stopping You From Creating Change?

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Do you have that nagging feeling like your life is in need of a minor (or MAJOR) change? Yet, when it comes time to actually doing it…you just…can’t?

Frustrating, isn’t it?

We’ve all been there before. When we logically, and even emotionally know that I change would do us good, but we hesitate.

So why is this? It’s actually pretty simple.

We don’t like to be uncomfortable.

With change comes a fear of the unknown. A choice to lean into discomfort. We often opt for the unsatisfying reality of what we are currently familiar with because we at least know what we’re working with.

And truthfully, sometimes we need to settle into that safety before we’re ready to take the next step.

But when we’re ready to embrace bravery and the unpleasant newness of change, it can take us to some pretty amazing places.

So wherever you’re at, I invite you to first acknowledge where you stand. It’s okay if you’re not ready to make the change. Sometimes we’re not in a place where we can handle the discomfort of change—and that’s okay.

If you are ready to get a little (or a lot) uncomfy to embrace what lies ahead, welcome it. The pain that comes with growing is a sign that you’re showing up—not sitting out.


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